Briefs, Fact Sheets and Brochures

Mi familia: Taller de apoyo a hermanos y hermanas de niños con necesidades especiales

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Save the Children Spain

A Save the Children workshop dedicated to the concerns of brothers and sisters of siblings who have special health, developmental, or mental health needs. The workshop (relevant to the age group 7-15 years)  has been designed to give help, support and advice to the brothers and sisters of disabled children, providing them with an important space to participate. The  sessions and acticvities will enable them to learn about their sibling’s illness or disability, and how to cope with the challenges of having a brother or sister with special needs. Through participating in this workshop, the children will be able to express their feelings, exchange views and experiences, and reflect on their relationships with their disabled brother or sister. At the same time, the workshop also offers a great opportunity for the children to make new friends and share play and leisure time.  

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