Manuals, Toolkits and Guidance

Manual para a formaçao e a ação de frentes parlamentares em defesa dos direitos da criança e do adolescente

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Frente Parlamentar em Defesa dos Direitos da criança e do adolescente,Save the Children Sweden

This handbook, a joint production by Frente Parlamentar em Defesa dos Direitos da criança e do adolescente and Save the Children Sweden, is intended as a practical tool for parliamentarian fronts in the defense of the rights of Brazilian children and adolescents. Written in simple language, it pays particular attention to the situation of children and adolescents in the country and the role of parliamentarians in reflecting the voices of the most vulnerable and marginalized groups. The Parliamentary Front for the Defense of Children and Youth, is an association of dozens of federal senators and deputies, which has been trying to combat abuse and violence against children by increasing the funding for relevant programmes in the government budget and in government planning. One of the main aims of Frente Parlamentar is to encourage the establishment of similar groups in the states and municipalities of Brazil, and with this objective, Part 4 of this handbook offers some practical tips.

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