
Livelihoods at the limit: Reducing the risk of disasters and adapting to climate change. Evidence from the consolidated Household Economy Analysis database

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Save the Children

This report draws on the compiled Household Economy Analysis dataset and analysis tools to answer some of the most pressing questions about disaster risk reduction and climate change adaptation in a range of livelihood contexts: – Which single shock has the most damaging impact on households’ ability to meet their minimum food and livelihood requirements? – Does diversification always help reduce the risk of disaster? – Will increasing poor households’ agricultural production increase their resilience in the face of climate change? – What hazards are pastoralists most vulnerable to? And what does resilience mean for a pastoralist economy? This is the first of five reports and papers in the Livelihoods at the Limit series, which offers critical insights into key questions about what resilience means and how to achieve it in different livelihood contexts.

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