
Leave it out. Developing anti-homophobic bullying practice in schools

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Save the Children

Save the Children partnered with The Rainbow Project and Youthnet to produce this informational resource, geared to help change attitudes and behaviours within the school community. Leave it Out proposes that real and positive change can be achieved by facing up to the problem of homophobic bullying and recommends revising school policies to specifically identify the issue of homophobic bullying within the school’s anti-bullying policy. By doing this, schools will experience a reduction in the use of homophobic language and bullying behaviour and create a safer environment for all young people. Leave It Out builds on existing ‘universal’ bullying support resources, like Save the Children’s ‘Focus on Bullying’. It encourages Boards of Governors, principals, teachers, support staff and pupils to take collective responsibility for much needed changes in attitudes and behaviours within the school community.

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