Briefs, Fact Sheets and Brochures

Investment in Children – Investment in Everyone

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Save the Children

This publication, which contains seven subject-based cases from dif­ferent parts of the world, provides a concise overview of the aims, approaches and results of Save the Children’s Investment in Children efforts.

The work involving Investment in Children revolves around the ability to understand, analyse, question and carry out advocacy to compel governments to enact change as opposed to around, for example the construction of schools or delivery of equipment for clinics.

Investment in Children efforts are needed because govern­ments do not always automatically act in child-friendly ways. Governments may complain about a lack of resources, or they may have established child-friendly laws and policies, but then proceed to evade practicing child-friendliness in real life. Ultimately, it is all about political will and about choosing and planning to invest in children.

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