
Introducing Child Protection and Child Friendly Justice in a Society with Complex Socioeconomic Challenges: Experiences and Lessons from Ethiopia

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Save the Children Sweden

Save the Children Sweden (SCS) has been sturdily engaged in the promotion of the rights of children and has ardently supported child protection and child friendly justice (CFJ) endeavours in Ethiopia.
This document identifies, organizes and presents best practices and lessons of 12 years experiences that deserve to be built upon, shared and replicated acquired in the course of introducing the practices of child protection and juvenile justice in Ethiopia. It analysis the practices and lessons learnt and deduces recommendations.
The main topics of the document are: Child protection and Child friendly Justice: An Overview of Concepts and Standard Practices; Overview of the Problem and Practice in Ethiopia; Child Protection and Child Friendly Service Systems; Child protection Training and Awareness Raising; Child Protection Data/Information management; and Key Issues and Recommendations

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