Briefs, Fact Sheets and Brochures, Policies, Standards, and Strategies

International Guidelines for the Alternative Care of Children, Policy Brief

Publication year:


English, French,Spanish


pdf (616.9 KiB)


Save the Children

This policy brief provides in-depth information on the International Guidelines for the Alternative Care of Children (referred to as ‘the Guidelines’ in this document) and how they support the implementation of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC).

Background information is given on how Save the Children contributed to the development of the Guidelines and how they have come to be used and applied in a global context. The core goals and guiding principles of the Guidelines are broken down for easy comprehension. Examples are also provided on how the Guidelines have been integrated into existing policy frameworks for training of staff and partners.

Save the Children strongly supports the Guidelines and urges countries to use them as a reference and tool for legislation and policy reform. 

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