Manuals, Toolkits and Guidance

Inter-Agency Coordination Lebanon: TTC Site Improvement Guidelines

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Save the Children,UNHCR, United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees

The Syrian Crisis is now well into its 5th year with no confirmed signs of a likely end to the infighting. At the end of February 2016, UNHCR reported that number of registered Syrian refugees in Lebanon was 1,055,984 persons. Approximately 18% of the registered refugee population is currently living in Informal Settlements.

The large influx of refugees into Lebanon created tremendous pressures on the Lebanese economy, infrastructure, and services. The Lebanese government policy decision against the establishment of formal refugee settlements for Syrian refugees resulted in the substantial growth of informal settlements, usually consisting of tents and makeshift structures, which are now home to an estimated 199,0241 refugees.

The creativity and adaptability of agencies working in different social and economic contexts in Lebanon is a sectoral strength. However, the harmonisation of principles and minimum standards is required to ensure a standardised quality service to beneficiaries. These guidelines form the main reference document for shelter agencies intending to implement Site Improvements within Informal settlements in accordance with the inter-agency Shelter Sector Strategy.

This document was developed by the Temporary Technical Committee chaired by Save the Children (SCI), co-chaired by UNHCR with contributions from Concern, GVC, Medair, Mercy Corps, NRC and UN-Habitat.

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