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Save the Children,USAID, US Agency for International Development
The IYCF-E toolkit has been designed as a resourceful collection of information and practical tools to begin implementation of IYCF-E programmes for a rapid start-up in case of an emergency.
The IYCF-E toolkit is envisioned to make available ready to use tools and resources that will allow advisors, managers, coordinators and officers to rapidly access needed technical input and begin implementation as soon as possible, without needing to spend time searching for certain tools.
To learn more about how to easily navigate and use the IYCF-E toolkit, please view this short explainer video.
The contents of each of these sections are subdivided into three main categories: Key Concepts (summaries and overviews), Annexes (tools, templates and examples) and References. They are as follows:
The essential, must-have information about IYCF-E in order to plan an appropriate and relevant IYCF-E programme. This includes summaries and overviews of the key concepts.
Tools, Templates and examples are included in this section. These documents will help you practically implement your IYCF-E programme.
All reference material, which will provide in-depth knowledge on the related topic is included in this section.
This IYCF-E Toolkit was made possible by a grant from the USAID Technical and Operational Performance Support (TOPS) program in addition to Save the Children’s Innovation, Development, Evaluation and Action (IDEA) Fund.
The TOPS Micro Grants Program is made possible by the generous support and contribution of the American people through the United States Agency for International Development (USAID). The contents of the materials produced through the TOPS Micro Grants Program do not necessarily reflect the views of TOPS, USAID or the United States Government.
The IDEA Fund was established to help drive Save the Children’s signature programs through investments to test, evaluate and refine those programs, document results, influence policy and practice, and position effective programs as “ready to scale.”
For assistance with the IYCF-E Toolkit or to make suggestions of additional resources to add, please email us.
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