Manuals, Toolkits and Guidance

The INEE Guidance Notes on Teacher Compensation in Fragile States, Situations of Displacement and Post-Crisis Recovery

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INEE, The Inter-Agency Network for Education in Emergencies

The INEE Guidance Notes on Teacher Compensation in Fragile States, Situations of Displacement and Post-Crisis Recovery (INEE Guidance Notes on Teacher Compensation) have been developed in a widely consultative manner to address a critical challenge to quality education, and as such, provide a suggested framework for compensating teachers. Intended for education authorities and staff within UN agencies, teachers unions, community-based organizations, NGOs and donors, the INEE Guidance Notes provide points for stakeholders to reflect upon as they plan and implement education programs. They are organised around the following three themes: Policy and Coordination of Teacher Compensation; Management and Financial Aspects of Teacher Compensation; and Teachers’ Motivation, Support and Supervision as Forms of Non-Monetary Teacher Compensation. Under each theme, there are a number of points for consideration for agencies and education authorities to reflect upon as they plan and implement their interventions. These are illustrated with examples of illustrative strategies and lessons learnt from a range of refugee, internally displaced person (IDP), returnee and overall population contexts to assist the reader in identifying which approaches are likely to be effective in their particular situation.

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