Briefs, Fact Sheets and Brochures, Manuals, Toolkits and Guidance

Inclusive DRR for Especially Vulnerable Georgian Children in Kindergartens and Special Schools

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Save the Children

An information leaflet on Save the Children’s Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) activities addressing the needs of Georgian young children and children with special needs.

Save the Children globally is committed to a unique child-centered, community-based approach to DRR whereby children are involved in reducing the negative impact of disasters within their own environments by becoming involved in community preparedness plans and risk reduction activities. Currently, under the second DIPECHO programme ‘Supporting DRR amongst Institutions and Vulnerable Communities in the South Caucasus’, SC is conducting a disaster risk reduction initiative for inclusive DRR for vulnerable Armenian and Georgian children in kindergartens and special care institutions, aimed to improve disaster preparedness of preschool and special needs children, as well as their teachers and caregivers.

In Georgia, the initiative will directly benefit 10,187 children, 1,116 teachers and caregivers in 97 municipal kindergartens and seven special institutions. SC in Georgia partners with the Arbeiter-Samariter-Bund Deutschland (ASB), to help ensure successful implementation of the project.

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