Manuals, Toolkits and Guidance

Improving Local Governance and Service Delivery: Citizen Report Card Learning Tool Kit

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ADB, The Asian Development Bank,ADBI, Asian Development Bank Institute

The Citizen Report Card (CRC) is a simple but powerful tool to provide public agencies with systematic feedback from users of public services. By collecting feedback on the quality and adequacy of public services from actual users, the CRC provides a rigorous basis and a proactive agenda for communities, civil society organization or local governments to engage in a dialogue with service providers to improve the delivery of public services.
This self-learning course is designed to help users develop the basic knowledge and skills to implement CRCs. The course is structured around ten modules. The modules, in turn are designed to enable users to understand the conceptual, technical, managerial and operational details of CRCs. Each module consists of relevant learning content and an end-of-module assessment. Organizations and individuals interested in implementing a CRC, supporting implementation of a CRC, or learning about the methodology can use the course. The course shares a decade’s learning accumulated by the Public Affairs Centre (PAC), a Bangalore based nongovernmental organization.
The course is meant for officers of local governments, civil society organizations, development agencies, and consortiums.

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