Pragati Manual – English_print.pdf_2.png
Manuals, Toolkits and Guidance

Implementing Pragati: Community games intended to increase fertility awareness and family planning use

Publication year:





Save the Children Nepal,Save the Children US,The Institute for Reproductive Health, Georgetown University,USAID, US Agency for International Development

This manual is designed to provide guidance to district health officials, NGO, or INGO staff, donors, or other stakeholders that are interested in using the USAID-funded Fertility Awareness for Community Transformation (FACT) Project’s Pragati intervention game series. Pragati uses a series of games to diffuse information about fertility awareness and family planning to individuals, catalyzing conversation with others. The games also facilitate discussion around social and gender norms—unspoken rules that govern behavior—in order to challenge those norms that negatively influence family planning use.

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