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IFRC Reference Centre for Psychosocial Support
The IFRC M&E framework for psychosocial interventions was developed by the IFRC Reference Centre for Psychosocial Support (PS Centre) to promote best practice in M&E throughout IFRC global psychosocial (PS) programmes. This initiative contributes to quality PS interventions and strengthens advocacy for PS programmes. The framework aims to support National Societies (NS) in designing relevant M&E systems for psychosocial (PS) programmes; in programme planning and the development of PS strategies; and in mainstreaming global reporting of progress on PS programmes.
The IFRC M&E framework consists of various tools to help build the capacity of National Societies in developing a systematic approach to M&E of their PS programmes. The Guidance Note provides an overview of monitoring and evaluation approaches and principles as key components of the programme management cycle. The Indicator Guide presents a set of sample indicators which are broadly applicable to National Societies (NS) PS programmes of various kinds. The Toolbox contains guidance and tools suitable for data collection in M&E of all PS programmes.
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