Manuals, Toolkits and Guidance

I painted peace. Handbook on peace building with and for children and young people

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Save the Children Norway

This handbook has been designed and developed together with children and young people for children and young people. It is, however, also meant to be of use and interest to adults. The children and young people involved in the production of this handbook would like to promote, build and sustain peace in their local communities, schools, districts, and nations.The handbook may be most suitable for children and young people aged 12 years and upwards. Young people may find it easier to follow the handbook themselves. Some children and young people might need help from adults to understand the handbook completely.If you are an adult who would like to support girls in boys in peace building efforts, this handbook is also for you. Throughout this handbook, you will see that children and young people are really asking for adults to support them. Whether you are a parent, teacher, religious and traditional elder, government official, staff from non-governmental organisation, UN practitioner or journalist, we encourage you to read and make use of this handbook.

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