Manuals, Toolkits and Guidance

A Handbook for Measuring HR Effectiveness

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CHS Alliance, Core Humanitarian Standard Alliance

This HR Audit Handbook is designed to assess the effectiveness of an organisation’s human resources (HR) and people management policies and practices. Going through an HR audit enables the organisation to identify areas for improvement and priority actions. The findings then inform an action plan to address gaps in practices and shortcomings in systems and policies.


It may be used by organisations as a stand-alone tool or can also be used as part of the process for self-assessment and verification against the CHS (see the CHS Alliance website for more information). It is guided by, but not limited to, the Nine Commitments of the Core Humanitarian Standard (CHS).


Adaptable to most operational contexts, it includes a set of diagnostic questionnaires, guidelines and tips. It is designed to be used in head office, regional office or local/field office environments. It is part of the HR Tool Kit provided by the CHS Alliance that can be used as a kind of “office in a box” resource for a rapid deployment situation, when setting up a new agency or for capacity building/strengthening activities.  

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