Manuals, Toolkits and Guidance

Guidelines for Child Friendly Spaces in Emergencies

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Global Education Cluster

The guidelines outline a clear and comprehensive way to establish Child Friendly Spaces (CFS) in emergencies. The guidelines provides ideas on how to establish CFS in different emergency context e.g. natural disaster and war situations. The guide consists of principles for establishing a child friendly space and implementation in practice starting with assessment, selection of site and staff. The guideline includes also ideas to ongoing training and follow-up support to staff, monitoring, evaluation and phase out. It is a tool, which is clear and easy to follow and hs been tested in the field and used by several agencies. The audience is primary Child Protection and education field staff in refugee camps and affected communities. IASC Guidelines on Mental Health and psychosocial support in emergencies, INEE Minimum Standards for Education: Preparedness, Response, and Recovery.

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