Manuals, Toolkits and Guidance

A Guide to building healthy parent-child relationships: A positive rights-based approach

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Save the Children Italy

Save the Children works towards eliminating all forms of corporal or physical punishment and other humiliating or degrading punishment of children in all settings. For this reason, Save the Children Italy, Save the Children Lithuania, Save the Children Romania, and Save the Children Sweden are promoting activities to prevent physical and humiliating punishment in all settings through the Project “Educate, do not punish” financed by the European Commission – Daphne III Programme. The project is focused in these four European countries, which have different legislative, administrative, social and educational measures in place related to corporal punishment. This document is intended for parents of children of all ages, in all cultures, and contains information that will be useful in all parent-child relationships. It will be helpful to professionals such as teachers, early childhood educators, youth support workers, and educational assistants. The information will also help policy makers, legislators, and parliamentarians to better understand “positive discipline”, as it sets out a vision of nonviolent, effective parenting that can be integrated into policy to support child protection laws.

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