Manuals, Toolkits and Guidance

Growing up GREAT! Gameboard & Question Cards

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Save the Children US

This gameboard and question cards are designed to be used by Very Young Adolescents (VYA) and adults to discuss gender norms, gender-based violence (GBV), and sexual and reproductive health (SRH) in a fun and engaging way. The Growing Up GREAT! toolkit adapts elements of two tested models—Gender Roles, Equality, and Transformations (GREAT) from northern Uganda and GrowUp Smart from Rwanda—for an urban Democratic Republic of the Congo setting. Growing up GREAT! applies an ecological perspective addressing spheres of influence—individual, family, school, community—that most affect early adolescent life experiences. It consists of a toolkit of age-tailored, gender-transformative materials exploring SRH, GBV, and gender equality. Targeting four audiences, the intervention encourages reflection and dialogue through community group engagement to build more equitable gender norms that support adolescent development and well-being. This is a helpful resource for program implementers seeking to incorporate “games” in their programming.

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