Manuals, Toolkits and Guidance

GREAT Flipbook (Girls’ and Boys’)

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Save the Children US

The Gender Roles, Equality and Transformations (GREAT) Project works to improve gender equity and reproductive health in Northern Uganda. GREAT uses radio drama, community mobilization, and small group discussions to promote dialogue and reflection among adolescents, with the goal of facilitating the formation of gender equitable norms and the adoption of attitudes and behaviors which may positively influence health outcomes among boys and girls, aged ten to 29. The GREAT toolkit was developed as the centerpiece of the project and includes the following materials for use with small groups: activity cards, fact cards, flipbooks, game instructions and question cards, and discussion guides to accompany a year-long radio serial drama. These flipbooks were designed in story format to help very young adolescent boys and girls learn about growing up GREAT, understand body changes and seek advice on how boys and girls can live more equally.

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