
Garantinivå för stöd till barn i utsatta situationer. En nationell enkätundersökning

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Save the Children Sweden

A report by Save the Children Sweden providing a national picture of how social safety nets for vulnerable children differ significantly depending on where in Sweden you live. This mapping helps explore the inequalities in preventive social care services for vulnerable children and adolescents among Sweden’s different municipalities and neighbourhoods. 

Save the Children underlines the need for a holistic approach to violence against children and urges the government to provide a guaranteed level of social protection in all local municipalities that will ensure that vulnerable children and young people are identified and supported early to achieve positive outcomes. The objective is to ensure that all children and families in vulnerable situations have easy access to youth and family centres and well-functioning student healthcare centres, that the social services in each municipality provide support and assistance to children in vulnerable situations, and that children and youth needing care and protection have ready access to social support networks and helpline services.

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