Young Lives briefing 7June2012_FINAL.pdf_8.png
Briefs, Fact Sheets and Brochures, Policies, Standards, and Strategies

The future we want : Learning from children’s experiences of sustainable development

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English, Spanish,Portuguese


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Save the Children UK

Unpredictable and extreme weather, such as droughts and floods, rising pollution levels, poor access to sanitation and other public services, combined with global economic instability, are undermining children’s healthy development and reinforcing the poverty cycle. This policy brief examines children’s relationship with their environment in three ways: it looks at the impact of shocks, particularly environmental shocks; the effects of food insecurity on children’s lives; and children’s relationship to the environment in which they live. It uses data from four countries (Peru, Ethiopia, India and Vietnam) to demonstrate children’s vulnerability as a result of environmental insecurity, and to highlight children’s hopes and concerns for the future

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