FRESH School Health and Nutrition Webinar (SNH): The Secret’s Out: Tobacco company tactics to target young people and responses for schools – July 2020
Publication year:
Save the Children US
What strategies do tobacco companies use to target young people?
What can schools do to protect students from tobacco use?
How can media and digital media help protect young people?
This session discusses how schools can protect young people from manipulation by the tobacco industry and prevent youth initiation of nicotine and tobacco products. Dr. Schotte opens the session with a brief overview of the World No Tobacco Day (WNTD) 2020 campaign, which focused on exposing the marketing tactics used by the tobacco industry to attract young people, and present classroom activities that can be implemented in schools. Next, Dr. Ling presents research documenting tobacco company tactics and how to counteract them, and highlights digital cessation interventions available to young people. Mr. Aditjondro provides insights into how mass media and digital media are being used in Southeast Asia to raise awareness about the dangers of tobacco and protect young people.
Kerstin Schotte, Medical Officer, Tobacco Control, WHO
Pamela Ling, Center for Tobacco Control & Research, University of California San Francisco
Enrico Aditjondro, Associate Director Southeast Asia, Vital Strategies
The School Health and Nutrition webinar series provides monthly presentations by leading policy-makers, researchers and implementers engaged in improving the health and education of children in low and middle-income countries across the globe.
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