
Frente Parlamentar em defesa dos direitos da criança e do adolescente. Uma Experiência Brasileira

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Parliamentarian Front in the Defense of the Rights of Children and Adolescents,Save the Children Sweden

This publication is the result of a partnership between the Parliamentarian Front in the Defense of the Rights of Children and Adolescents and the international NGO Save the Children Sweden. The Parliamentarian Front of Defense of the Children’s and Adolescent’s Rights in Brazil has played an important role in the fight towards an integral protection system for childhood and youth. Established in 1993 and consolidated in 2003, the Parliamentarian Front includes representatives of Congress, Legislatures and Municipal Councils, who have been trying to combat abuse and violence against children by increasing the funding for relevant programmes in the government budget and in government planning. This document has 6 main sections – the first gives a brief introduction to the Parliamentarian Front, the next section explains what motivated its creation and how it took shape, the main achievements since its launch, the challenges faced and important alliances with other stakeholder organizations. Part 3 describes how the Front entered a new phase in 2003; Part 4 is about the importance of broadening child and youth participation in the parliamentary context; Part 5 shares ideas about the future of the Parliamentarian Front; Part 6 provides a list of its members, a group of federal senators and deputies; and the last section includes a collection of internet links to networks exclusively devoted to working for the rights of children and adolescents in Brazil.

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