Fact Sheet on NCPS Swaziland (Final).pdf_0.png
Briefs, Fact Sheets and Brochures

Fact Sheet on National Child Protection System in Swaziland

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pdf (107.6 KiB)


Save the Children

Save the Children Sweden is currently advocating for child protection systems in Swaziland and this fact sheet provides a brief overview of the purposes and functions of these systems from a national perspective. Corporal punishment of children seems to be a generally accepted and deep rooted practice to discipline children in Swaziland and Save the Children strives to implement a ban on all forms of corporal punishment in all settings, as well as programmes to educate adults and teachers with alternatives to corporal punishment and best ways to deal with discipline problems. The study findings point to the fact that conservative attitudes towards children and a lack of capacity to implement national law undermines the realization of children’s rights. Each key section in the report is presented with clear accompanying recommendations and a way forward on how to improve conditions for the children in Swaziland.

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