Briefs, Fact Sheets and Brochures

Every Last Child Country Spotlight: Bangladesh

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Save the Children

Save the Children is campaigning at an international and national level to achieve the greatest impact for children with the Every Last Child Campaign.

Bangladesh is widely recognised as a Millennium Development Goal success story with a strong track record of growth and socio-economic development. The decline in the poverty headcount has been nothing short of remarkable. In 25 years, gender parity and almost universal access to primary school have been achieved. More children than ever before survive their early years, start learning in primary schools, and are moving out of poverty together with their families.

However, these successes coexist with inequities. There are still many excluded children, who suffer from chronic poverty and lack opportunities to grow because of where they live or where they were born. Even as Bangladesh’s economy goes from strength to strength, growth and development does not reach all children in the same way.

Read the Every Last Child campaign report here.

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