Manuals, Toolkits and Guidance, Study: Evaluations, Teaching Resources

Evaluating Human Rights Training Activities. A Handbook for Human Rights Educators

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Equitas, Québec,OHCHR, The Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights

Human rights education can contribute to its noble goals only if it is methodologically sound and fully relevant to the learners, so as to have a genuine empowering or sensitizing effect. Ensuring and measuring such impact on the learners and their communities requires the use of evaluation approaches through all stages of education and training development — from design to delivery and follow-up. This practical guide for human rights educators wishing to improve their work and to measure and document their effectiveness, aims to fuel the transformative power of human rights education: from conflict to peace; from human rights violations to redress; from abuse to dignity; and from discrimination to respect, equality and social justice.
This Handbook is primarily for human rights educators working with different adult learners in non-formal education contexts, including NGO and community-based organization staff, government officials, staff of national human rights institutions (NHRIs), staff of international organizations, teachers, community leaders and community members.

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