
Ett Hållbart Livskoncept: En modell för att skapa socialt hållbara boendemiljöer för nyanlända familjer i tillfälliga bostäder

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Save the Children Sweden

Together with partners, Save the Children Sweden has developed a model to promote social inclusion of newly arrived families who have been placed in temporary housing.

The model is called “Ett hållbart livskoncept” (A sustainable life model) and is built upon the child’s perspective, as well as the needs and conditions of the newly arrived individual. The model focuses on both indoor and outdoor environments, such as social establishment and coordination of social services, via the constant supervision of a process leader.

The pilot project in Lund has contributed to a wide range of learnings and experiences. One concrete example of success is that more actors than before strive to ease the transition to compound life for both children and parents, which leads to increased social inclusion.

The model has been successful, was appreciated, and had a positive impact for both individuals and society. This is a good example of how relatively small resources can lead to tangible improvements in people’s lives.

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