Briefs, Fact Sheets and Brochures

Ett Fredat Rum: Ett projekt för barn som lever i vårdnadstvist

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Save the Children Sweden

Children who find themselves in the middle of a custody battle are always at risk of feeling bad. With the project “Ett fredat rum” (a closed room), Save the Children Sweden creates the possibility for these children to receive individual treatment according to their own needs. The child receives its own space so that it can avoid the parent’s conflict.

From 2014 to 2016, Save the Children Sweden will cooperate with social services and family courts to create “closed rooms”. The latter will represent the parents, while the Save the Children Centrum will represent the children and oversee contact between the two groups. The child is offered individual treatment based on their needs. The type of contact given to the parents is decided in agreement with social services.

All of Save the Children Sweden’s work is based on the Convention on the Rights of the Child. For this project, articles 3, 6, 12, and 39 are especially important: the needs of the child shall take precedence, all children have the right to life and development, a child has the right to express themselves in issues that concern him or her, and a child has the right to rehabilitation in a safe environment.

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