
Ending the Torment: Tackling bullying from the schoolyard to cyberspace

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Office of the UN Special Representative of the Secretary General on Violence against Children

Bullying and cyberbullying are serious issues that threaten the rights of children. Whether physical, verbal or relational, bullying is a hurtful and aggressive behavior that impacts, with repeated action, a weaker, more vulnerable individual.

This study is intended to complement the 10 year old UN Study on Violence against Children, which was the first of its kind to offer a global overview of bullying. Areas that need to be developed and strengthened in order to prevent bullying and mitigate its harm are the key themes. Via perspectives and expertise from various experts and regions, a diverse range of examples on promoting a participatory culture of peace and respect in schools are presented.

Ultimately, the study repeatedly calls for active research and data collection to understand and spread awareness of the destructive nature of bullying and cyberbullying – and also the development of constructive methods for governments, policy makers, teachers and children themselves to enact in the struggle against bullying.

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