
Ending Physical and Humiliating Punishment against Children: Ethiopia

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Save the Children Sweden

“Ending Physical and Humiliating Punishment against Children: Ethiopia” is part of a series reports studying Physical and Humiliating Punishment against Children in Ethiopia, Kenya, Sudan and Uganda, published by Save the Children Sweden. This study focuses on Ethiopia, a country where the culture of violence against children is largely accepted at all levels of society. One of the many forms of violence against children is physical and humiliating punishment which is widely tolerated by the society and in some circumstances permitted by the law of the land. The African Child Policy Forum, in collaboration with Save the Children Sweden, carried out this study as a national input to the UN Study on Violence against Children and to national efforts on protecting children from violence. The study reviews the policy and legal framework of the country on physical and humiliating punishments of children and provides information, among others, on the perceptions , types, prevalence and magnitude, perpetrators, and causes and effects of physical and humiliating punishment against children in home, school and community settings, and recommendations on measures to be taken to address the identified problems. The study sites were Addis Ababa and the four regional states of Oromia, Amhara, Tigray, and Southern Nations, Nationality and People’s Region.

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