
Ending Legalized Violence Against Children: Global progress to December 2014

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Global Initiative to End All Corporal Punishment of Children,Save the Children

Over the past year, the Global Initiative to End All Corporal Punishment of Children added 10 more countries to the list of those that prohibit corporal punishment of children in the home and in all other settings. There are now 44 countries across the globe with fully prohibiting laws in place. Despite these figures, 1 in 10 children are still not legally protected from violence in all settings; UN member states are not meeting their human rights obligations to prohibit all corporal punishment; and in 23 countries, laws do not fully prohibit corporal punishment in any setting.

This report is intended for governments, non-governmental organisations, national human rights institutions, child advocates, professionals working with and for children, and other interested adults. By presenting a snapshot of law reform for ending violence against children, readers can gain a better perspective of the global situation and better plan or influence policy reform in their own countries.

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