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Ending legalised violence against children – Global Report 2011: Following up the UN Secretary General’s Study on Violence against Children

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Global Initiative to End All Corporal Punishment of Children,Save the Children Sweden

Published jointly by the Global Initiative to End All Corporal Punishment of Children and Save the Children Sweden, “Ending legalised violence against children: Global report 2011” reviews progress towards prohibition of corporal punishment of children throughout the world in the context of follow up to the UN Secretary General’s Study on Violence against Children. Based on detailed analyses of the work of international human rights treaty bodies and of the first cycle of the Universal Periodic Review, the report identifies states which appear to be making progress and those where reforms must be made. Information on active campaigns worldwide, recent research into the prevalence of corporal punishment and a table of the legality of corporal punishment in all settings in all states provide both an overview of the current situation and a context for increasing efforts to enact legislation which fully protects children from assault

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