Manuals, Toolkits and Guidance

Emergent Literacy & Math at Home: Training of Trainers (TOT)

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Save the Children

The overall goal of this Training of Trainers Resource for the Emergent Literacy and Math (ELM) programme, is to provide structured and effective training for those program staff who will in turn be training the parent group facilitators on leading the ELM at Home sessions with parents or other caregivers. The specific goals of this training are:

  • Build trainer’s understanding of the role of caregivers in supporting foundational literacy and math skills at home for long term academic success
  • Build trainer’s close understanding of the structure and content of ELM at Home parent activity sessions
  • Build trainer’s skills and confidence in training facilitators on ELM at Home sessions, using active training methodologies to ensure engagement
  • Reflect on anticipated challenges and trouble shoot in advance
  • Develop a clear implementation plan for the ELM at Home trainings and sessions, including ensuring quality of implementation

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