Briefs, Fact Sheets and Brochures

El acoso escolar es violencia. ¡No lo permitas! Consejos para niños y niñas ante el acoso escolar

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Save the Children Spain

An information leaflet developed by Save the Children Spain, intended to help children understand the meaning and practice of school bullying and cyber bullying.

If you think you  or your friends are being bullied, there are steps you can take to deal with the problem. This leaflet answers In a simple and child friendly manner the most commonly asked questions about the different types of bullying that can occur and advises on what to do if you or someone you know is being bullied.  It contains tips to help you identify bullying, and how to prevent bullying that you or your friends may be experiencing,  

Bullying cannot be tolerated. If we all work together we can put an end to it!

Bullying leaflets for parents and teachers.

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