Briefs, Fact Sheets and Brochures

Doing More, Doing Better: Social Protection for Adolescent Girls

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Save the Children

This story shows the process of how to better include adolescent girls in the existing social protection framework in Bangladesh. Through evidence-based strategic advocacy, Save the Children has tried to better link with social protection systems and structures already in place in order to improve social protection for adolescent girls in Bangladesh. Save the Children has been implementing Child Sensitive Social Protection projects in Bangladesh since 2011 and is presently continuing its efforts to increase and improve social protection with the collaboration of WFP who supports MOWCA (Ministry of women and Children affairs) in administering VGD (Vulnerable Group Feeding) programme.

This publication is part of a collection of 8 leaflets on Policy, Rights and Governance programming in Bangladesh:

The leaflets are:

  1. Voices for Change: Children on Community Radio
  2. Communities Fit for Children: Child Friendly Local Governance
  3. Standing Up for Action: Protesting Violence Against Children
  4. Speaking Up for Rights: Child Parliaments
  5. Democracy in Action: The Parliamentary Caucus on Child Rights
  6. Money Matters: Financial Inclusion for Street and Working Children
  7. Doing More, Doing Better: Social Protection for Adolescent Girls
  8. KOLOROB: A “Clamour” for Change in Urban Slums

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