Policies, Standards, and Strategies

Dohuk/Domiz Child Protection Sub Working Group Inter-Agency Strategic Plan: July-December 2013

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ACTED, Agency for Technical Cooperation and Development,Handicap International,Harikar NGO,IRC, International Rescue Committee,MAG, Mines Advisory Group,Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs, Iraq,Save the Children,UNICEF, United Nations Children's Fund,UPP, Un Ponte Per

Emergencies increase children’s vulnerability and exposure to violence, abuse and exploitation. They disrupt the normal functioning of communities: social and family networks become unsettled, education is interrupted, and sources of support and access to medical assistance and essential services is often interrupted, limited or non- existent. The impact of the armed conflict in Syria on children is significant, and to lessen this impact and increase the protective environment around children, a coherent, coordinated response is essential. To this effect, a Child Protection Sub Working Group (CPSWG) was established in August 2012 as part of the broader protection response. The CPSWG is chaired by UNICEF, in close collaboration with the General Directorate of Social Affairs and Development.

UNICEF convened a two-day workshop to identify the root causes and impacts of key child protection concerns and gaps in the current response, and to develop an inter-agency strategic plan. Participating agencies include: UNICEF, UNHCR, IRC, SCI, Harikar, UPP/DOH, MSF, DOLSA, ACTED, MAG, and Handicap International. This document reports the findings and analysis completed by the CPSWG and includes the Child Protection Interagency Strategic Plan.

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