Manuals, Toolkits and Guidance

Det Handlar om Demokrati: Om konsten att öka barns inflytande över kommunala beslut

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Save the Children Sweden

How do you include children in political decision making processes? The Convention on the Rights of the Child gives children the right to have influence over those decisions that affect them – but how should this happen, both ethically and practically? Swedish municipalities have tried many different methods for increasing child participation but there are still many options to pursue so that those methods can be more child-friendly. All children, the young, those with disabilities, and children with foreign backgrounds should be able to influence and participate in democratic processes.

Save the Children Sweden has released this guide on practical models for child participation. The guide is intended to be used by politicians and businessmen in the municipalities. In addition, it provides tips, advice, and important ethical guidelines for working with children.  First released in 2004, this edition includes updated information on practices and models.

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