Manuals, Toolkits and Guidance

Descubriendo la Orianza Positiva: Manual para agentes educativos para trabajar con padres y madres

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Instituto Colombiano de Bienestar Familiar,Save the Children

At its core, the Colombian Family Welfare Institute (ICBF) seeks to work toward prevention of interfamily violence and the peaceful coexistence within the family unit. With this aim, they developed the strategy, “Model of Promotion of Prosocial Behaviours,” which has been implemented by ICBF and Save the Children Colombia on multiple occasions since 2007.

This strategy has been strengthened further by the collaborating organisations in adding criteria and concepts to support the original strategy. The resulting programme, Positive Parenting, came to be. After only 4 months of the programme, aggressive behaviour in children decreased by 11%.

Save the Children and ICBF have created this manual to aid community education agencies with conceptual and practical tools to implement similar programmes. Through promoting these new methods, they hope to bring parents and caretakers closer to a positive upbringing of both boys and girls.

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