Study: Evaluations

De la palabra a los hechos: Informe de evaluación del cumplimiento de la agenda de infancia 2012–2015. Dos años después de las elecciones generales

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Save the Children Spain

Two years have passed since Save the Children submitted the 2012-2015 Children’s Agenda to all political parties represented in the Spanish Congress in advance of the 2011 general elections (10th legislature) held on 20 November 2011. The Agenda  included concrete proposals for more effective prevention of all forms of violence and abuse involving children. ‘De la palabra a los hechos’ (From Words to Deeds) assesses progress made since then, and identifies remaining challenges.

In the past year, three separate instances of violence against children were brought to light that have provoked a major public outcry: Children being used as weapons in conflicts between estranged parents; the hidden reality of child victims of human trafficking for purposes of exploitation; and suspected child maltreatment in care centres. Save the Children highlights the essential role of effective laws to eradicate these forms of violence and urges for an approval of an integral law on violence against children that identifies all forms of violence and promotes prevention policies.  The adoption of this law would help overcome the main obstacles to eliminating violence against children. The report also calls attention to the need for clear legal definitions of the different forms of violence against children;  a systematized and consolidated data system at national and regional levels that allows for a real analysis of the different forms of violence that are committed; early detection and intervention mechanisms; and the establishment of accessible mechanisms for children to report incidents of violence. 

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