Child Friendly Materials, Reports

Contributions to Improve Investment in Children and Adolescents and Children’s Participation in the Municipalities of Central America. Child friendly version

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The Central American Learning Circle on Children’s Rights and Local Development

This is a publication of the Central American Learning Circle on Children’s Rights and Local Development, published with the support of Save the Children (previous versions: 2006 edition,  2008 edition, and 2010 edition). This document focuses on the Central American region, where a growing number of municipalities are advocating for municipal public policies and budgets on children, ensuring children and young people’s participation in the same.

The aim of these contributions is to reflect on the difficulties and advancements in ensuring children’s participation in the municipal sphere, and improving investment for the fulfilment of their rights. It is hoped that this document will help guide discussions among local governments, children, adolescents, organizations, networks and municipal associations, international cooperation and central governments, raising awareness  about  improved investment, more participation and better environments for children and adolescents in the region.

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