Briefs, Fact Sheets and Brochures

Consejos prácticos sobre parentalidad positiva y buen trato

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Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs of Spain,Save the Children Spain

All parents need a little advice now and then. These ten practical tips for positive parenting and positive discipline will help parents develop better parenting skills in a wide range of situations as they raise their children from infancy to adolescence. These techniques work well with every child, regardless of their age, temperament, background, culture or tradition, and help parents communicate with children in ways that are age-appropriate. This booklet was elaborated with the support of the Spanish Ministry of Health, Social Services & Equity, and is part of Save the Children’s work in promoting positive parenting in the context of the awareness campaigns “Educa, no pegues” (“Teach, don´t hit”), or “Corregir no es pegar” (“Correcting is not hitting”) against corporal punishment of children within the family.

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