Manuals, Toolkits and Guidance, Teaching Resources

Comprehensive School Safety: A Toolkit for Development and Humanitarian Actors in the Education Sector

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Save the Children Australia,UNICEF, United Nations Children's Fund

This toolkit is intended for education sector planners, policy-makers and program developers as well as humanitarian assistance providers, and advocates of universal education. It is intended to be useful for developing disaster resilience through the core activities of the education sector, as well as humanitarian efforts to respond effectively in order to provide education in emergencies. The tools in this toolkit are divided into the following sections:

  1. Education Policy: Comprehensive School Safety
  2. Safe School Facilities
  3. School Disaster Management
  4. Climate-aware Disaster Risk Reduction Education
  5. Child-Centered and Child-Participatory Approaches
  6. Teachers And Other Education Personnel

Supplements: A. Mainstreamed Resources – DRR in Education in Emergencies documents B. Mainstreamed Resources – Education in Disaster Risk Reduction documents C. Additional Resources for Asia / Pacific D. Additional Resources for the Middle East E. Additional Resources for Africa F. Additional Resources for The Americas and Caribbean

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