Manuals, Toolkits and Guidance

¿Cómo participar con niños, niñas y jóvenes en programas de desarme? Guia para docentes y gestores sociales. Diseño de proyectos orientados a la prevención de la violencia y el uso de armas de fuego

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Save the Children Sweden

‘¿Cómo participar con niños, niñas y jóvenes en programas de desarme? Guia para docentes y gestores sociales: Diseño de proyectos orientados a la prevención de la violencia y el uso de armas de fuego’, is a guide for teachers, community leaders and community based organizations involved in disarmament programmes. Boys, girls and adolescents are the most likely to become the victims of violence. We witness case after case in the news, in schools, in the streets, in hospitals – children bearing the brunt of violence. When we try to understand what is happening in the light of these experiences, the answer is simple: The roots of violence lie precisely in the fact that children’s rights are not respected. Statistics show that the highest reported death rates are for children. Among the victims wounded or maimed by firearms, children also rank the highest. Set against this horrifying backdrop are also the children involved in armed forces and armed groups. In an attempt to respond to these facts, the report gives a background to the concept of participation, provides an approach to reduce and prevent armed violence, gives an overview of the different projects supporting disarmament, and presents a development activities guide for children.

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