Manuals, Toolkits and Guidance

Children’s Ombudsman – training and resource manual [Volume 2]

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Save the Children Norway

Save the Children Norway (SCN) promotes the appointment of Ombudsmen for Children in countries where it works, as well as collaboration with, and support to, already existing Ombudsmen. This is an important way to support the implementation and monitoring of children’s rights. Ombudsman for Children is a concept that is not widely known and understood. This is why SCN has developed a Training and Resource Manual which aims to give a basic understanding about what an Ombudsman for Children is, and what role he or she can have in protecting and monitoring children’s rights in a country. It is based on various sources of relevant expertise in the field. Also, it refers to SCN engagement in its programme countries and draws upon experience gained here.
The resource and training manual is meant to be a tool for staff in SCN and partner organisations. It aims at giving the necessary background for work with civil society partners as well as government counterparts in promoting and supporting the establishment of Ombudsman for Children offices.

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