
Children, Youth and Peace Building: Why we need a resolution

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Save the Children Norway

Children and youth from 12 countries came together to discuss children, youth and peace building in the global workshop Children and young people as actors in peace building organized by Save the Children in Oslo May 2012. In the workshop the participants analysed key achievements, gaps and recommendations to strengthen children and young people’s peace building in different contexts, such as in family, schools, communities, districts and at national, regional and global levels. They also identified issues to present to decision-makers in national, regional and global contexts to support children and young people’s inclusion in peace building. During the workshop this video was made to advocate for a UN resolution on children, youth and peace building. The video was presented by seven young people at a UN side event in New York in September 2012. Watch the video and be inspired by the young people’s messages on why they want to take part in peace building.

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