
Children, ICT and Development: Capturing the potential, meeting the challenges

Publication year:






UNICEF, United Nations Children's Fund

Information and communication technologies (ICTs), such as mobile phones, computers, and the internet, are often seen to aid development processes. Yet recent studies have shown that privileged access of men over women and limited access in remote and rural areas may worsen pre-existing inequalities.

This report is the result of a collaborative effort to investigate the manner in which ICTs can strengthen development interventions for children. It reviews recent literature and opinions with the hope of expanding the dialogue on key challenges, opportunities and best practices in assessing the role of ICTs in reaching the Millennium Development Goals.

The following questions represent a sample of those explored in this report:

  • Considering children, where and how can ICTs help with reducing inequality?
  • Where might ICTs offer quick wins for child-focused development objectives?
  • How can ICTs contribute to the future of child-focused development efforts?

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