Manuals, Toolkits and Guidance

Children in Disasters: Games and guidelines to engage youth in risk reduction

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IFRC, International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies

The purpose of this document is to provide guidance on how to effectively engage children and young people in informal DRR educational initiatives. Published 2010, 40 pages. The guideline has two parts. The first part focuses on how to start up and engage stakeholders in country in rolling out DRR education and awareness raising activities for children – not only in school, but also in the community. Even though some of this section is focused on the Red Cross and Red Crescent national societies, a lot of this information is also relevant for other organisations when initiating these activities. The second part provides games and activities to engage children with a specific focus on sharing experiences from Southeast Asia. Project managers, DRR specialists, education specialists, child participation specialists will find this guide useful as it provides a useful first section to think through some of the issues related to involving children and young people in informal DRR activities, and then it gives practical examples of tools to use and adapt when working with children and young people.

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