Briefs, Fact Sheets and Brochures

Child Rights Governance: Implementing Child Rights

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English, Spanish


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Save the Children Sweden

This publication is part of Save the Children’s ‘Governance fit for children’ research project launched in 2010.

This booklet contains eight country-specific examples on how Save the Children successfully has supported governments to respond and step up to its obligation to put in place the General Measures of Implementation (GMI). The twelve GMI can be a powerful tool in measuring how a country is performing in terms of ensuring that children’s rights are respected. The different case stories presented in this booklet (from Sweden, Wales, Nicaragua, Zimbabwe, Swaziland, Romania, Kenya, and Bosnia-Herzegovina) also demonstrate the clear linkages between policy, practice and the impact on children. The study, Governance fit for Children, presented as the first case in this report, is about how the GMI have been implemented at national and sub-national levels in Sweden. Similar studies were carried out in Italy, Lithuania, United Kingdom and Romania.

This publication is also available in Spanish through the link provided under “Related documents”.

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