Policies, Standards, and Strategies

Child protrection in crisis: CPC Network Task Force on Livelihoods and Economic Strengthening: Three-Year Strategic Plan

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The CPC Network, Child Protection in Crisis,Women's Refugee Commission

The CPC Network and the Women’s Refugee Commission work to improve the design, quality and effectiveness of economic programming as a means of enhancing the protection and well-being of children. In particular, the Network is interested in evaluating programs to build evidence on how livelihoods and economic strengthening projects affect the care and protection of children and then linking these lessons back to the field to improve programming. The CPC Network’s new three year (2012-2014) work plan addresses the following child protection priorities: – Child Protection Systems Strengthening; – University Capacity Building and Curriculum Support; – Evidence-Based Practices and Measurement. The document describes the Network’s global priorities and each Program Learning Group and most Task Forces have detailed three year plans. Together, these plans provide an ambitious vision of what CPC members intend to accomplish at country, regional and global levels.

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